This is the roadmap for further development of the FlexMeasures EMS.
The big picture
These are our big goals. Let us know if you want to collaborate!
[2022 - mature] Model & pilot e-mobility optimization (price-based, V2G)
[2023 - started] Model & pilot heating optimization (price-based, also with heat buffers)
[2024 - ongoing] more fine-grained model of behind-the-meter dynamics & limitations (e.g. w.r.t. grid congestion, dynamic limits and soft targets) and multi-asset optimization
[2024 - ongoing] Sector coupling (optimize e-mobility and heating in one site)
[2025] Direct support for DSOs in grid support from behind-the-meter (e.g. dynamic contracts/envelopes or intergration with GOPACS)
[2025] VPP (optimize multiple sites towards one market)
Features to come / in progress
Here we dive into more details. Everything here is a substantial development project.
[Q2 2023 - in progress] Build out the flexibility modelling, by supporting TNO's energy flexibility asset interface (S2).
[Q3 2024 - in progress] Multi-device scheduling
[Q1 2025 - in progress] Adding new VPP-focused scheduling algorithm (by TNO)
[Q2 2025] More powerful forecasting (fixed-point etc).
[Q2 2025] More powerful role/auth management (in the UI).
[Q3 2025] let some accounts (e.g. meter data companies) add data to other accounts.
[tbd] Let users provide annotations on time series (e.g. for feedback) by API and UI.
[tbd] Scheduler compatible with ShapeShifter (based on USEF flex trading protocol), to be able to provide congestion support to network companies.
[tbd] Better plotting support (via API/vega-lite), for plugins to define their own plots which are then made available in the FlexMeasures API (usable in custom frontends).
Historic achievements
[Q3 + Q4 2024] UI enhancements (sensor stats, customize data graphs, pagination etc...)
[Q4 2024] White-labeling
[Q2 2024] Enterprise features (status page, audit log)
[Q4 2023] Authorization model for allowing "super-accounts" to manage other accounts (e.g. for ESCos)
[Q1 2024] (Even) better documentation & tutorials.
[Q3 2023] Scheduling algorithm for heat buffering
[Q2 2023] Dedicated algorithm for scheduling shiftable processes
[Q2 2023] KPIs support (e.g. reporting of daily totals), customizable
[Q4 2022] Custom scheduling algorithms.
[Q4 2022] Better data views for sensor and assets.
[Q2 2022] Dockerization – allow to start a FlexMeasures node quickly without local installation (and deploy in cloud environments).
[Q1 2022] Improve developer experience (CLI commands, out-of-the-box tutorial)
[Q1 2022] Data model migration to support all kind of sensors (more than power, weather & prices), as well as units.
[Q3 2021] Support for multi-tenancy.
[Q2 2022] Allow for annotations on time series, e.g. to model processes and operator feedback.
[Q2 2021] Allow developers to write custom logic and styles in plugins.
[Q2 2021] Public release.